I graduated from saratoga high school back in 1979 and went to many colleges all over before landing at San Jose state where I got 2 degree’s. Nothing related to Photography. Yep, self taught however I am jumping ahead. Thought I wanted to be a dietician and tried that out for a few years at kaiser but working in a hospital was not for me. I had starting teaching fitness in the early ’80’s as I was driven to have the Jamie Lee Curtis perfect body plus I was extremely athletic. I was a bit touched in the head by many BID ( body image distortion ) syndromes and it truly was no small feat to get thru the years of anorexia, yo yo dieting and crazy am’s of exercising. During one of my stages of jump roping, I ended up cracking (bone fractures) all my toes. Clearly, I come to the camera with a strong compassion for the body wars we woman have all been thru.
In my personal life, I am a blessed to have met my perfect match and his 4 children in 1996 and married in 2002. I was never one of those little girls who had the colors of her bridesmaids dresses picked out or the flavor of the cake. Frankly never thought I would get married as I was uninterested in procreating (basically I am too selfish to sacrifice my nap time) and I refused the alternative of divorce until someone said… ‘how bout staying married?’ and that is where I am now at almost 15 years.
Still Want To Know More?
My initials are TNT Teresa Nora Trobbe. How cool is that?
Where do you live:
Los Gatos, CA
Hair color:
Blond (thank you Rene at Tangles salon)
Tattoos or piercings:
Yep , pierced ear’s and eyeliner tattoo so I am hip ‘cuz I have tat’s.
Current life activities and passions
I know this seems obvious, but it really is my main passion. I am judgmental and Photography has given me a place to use my critical eye.
Family Friend time:
I get energy from those close to me and I have to have it. Making and creating time for my friends and family is so important to me. Yes, my husband teases me that my cell phone is embedded into my hand and my mom says it is rude to have the phone on the table next to the fork. ( whatever mom ) Just being with people I love is blissful!
Generally anything that involves a good sweat count me in although now being a bit older I cherish my joints and will not do the sun. LOVE pickle-ball, lifting, swimming, hiking, dancing & so much more. I workout fairly hard everyday and it is never the same workout as I do have exercise attention disorder. A good sweat helps my creative personality soar.
Ask anyone who knows me…I rarely forgo my ZZZ time. Minimal 8 hours and sometimes a nap. I love to sleep and that is all I have to say on that.
Traveling: I will never understand people that don’t travel. I don’t think less of them or anything like that, I just don’t understand it. The world is just awesome. If I don’t travel somewhere every few months, I start to get fidgety and need to get away. Even just seeing a different part of the SF bay area can satiate me.
Guilty pleasure:I record general hospital. Great place to get fashion idea’s as I never read any magazines besides my photography journals. I also have become immersed in all these netflix ,hulu and apple TV series. Take me somewhere if only for a hour or two.
Are you still reading?
What color is your toothbrush?
You mean my husband’s? I just grab whatever toothbrush is in the holder…maybe green?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hmmm, I believe in love at 1st hear. I spent 2 weeks talking to my future husband on the phone before actually meeting him.
What instruments do you play?
Does the Air Guitar count?
What was your first car?
A white Dodge Dart …green plaid interior and 3 on the wheel gear shift Basically a tank But…it was mine! My parents gave it to me my 2nd year at San Diego State. I was grateful and I hope they know that.
Biggest Regret:
Not staying with the piano or learning a 2nd language although neither of these haunts me. I really try to live a regret free life.
This Or That
Wine or Beer?
If I was to drink it would be really cold Vodka and those stuffed blue cheese olives!
Music or talkshows in the car?
Without a question Talk-shows. Love Howard.
5 guys or in & out?
5 guys & the fries are amazing. Need to put them out of reach when driving home.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla… I like white foods.
TV or out to the Movies?
Stay home & stream
Day or Night?
I am really getting into this early morning bird-chirping hour but then I love twilight hour. Wishy-wash answer.
Sweet or Salty?
No question salt however it needs to be sea salt slightly chunky.